Join Amy’s Journey

of reconnecting to Christ through exploring Bible language and transform your own understanding of scripture.

Engage with the Scriptures on a whole new level, with Transplanted, a new & transformative Bible Study workbook. .

Have you been out of church for a while now?

Do you feel like you’ve lost your faith?

Come deepen your relationship with Christ through my Self-guided Bible study, focusing on understanding scripture and the nuances of Bible translations

I’ve been there, too. I still believed in Jesus, but felt like no matter what I did right, I couldn’t find joy.

Join me on a transformative journey of self-guided Bible study, exploring Bible language, and understanding scripture. Rediscover peace in Jesus with my new Christian book, Transplanted: Finding Rest in Your Walk with Jesus. Dive deep into the Scriptures with insightful Bible study guides and uncover the richness of Bible translations as you grow in your faith.

Now available on Amazon & Kindle

Need more room to record your insights and inspirations? Or perhaps you’re are reading the Bible Study & workbook for the second time!

Grab a Journal Companion to accompany your bible study and support your own journey back to Christ.

Regain Spiritual Freedom & Increased Faith

I spent years stooped under the heavy burden of religious expectations. But Jesus didn't leave me there. He brought freedom to my life. Join me on the journey! We will confront and uproot misunderstandings by digging into the treasure of the Scriptures, comparing our English with the original Greek and Hebrew.

Study words in the original Greek. Read powerful personal testimony. Learn how to walk in the Spirit, resulting in freedom, rest, and victory. Don’t let the chains of perceived religious duty, condemnation, shame, and striving hold you back from keeping your focus on Christ in you, the force of love, able to transform everyone with whom you encounter.

hand in water to show someone drowning- to depict drowning in doubt and losing faith in Christ

Jesus came to proclaim release to captives and set free the oppressed. It was for freedom that Christ set us free so keep standing firm and don’t go back to slavery. Jesus said, “Come to me, all who are weary and heavily burdened, and I will give you rest.” Let’s make every effort to enter that rest.

The very Creator of the universe lives inside us! His almighty power and unfailing love walk into every room when we arrive! We will not let the chains of perceived religious duty, condemnation, guilt, shame, and striving hold us back from keeping our focus on Christ in us, the force of love, able to transform everyone with whom we encounter.

Woman with arms wide open facing sunrise over the ocean - to show finding freedom and peace in Christ

Read reviews and endorsements

from other Christian readers who’ve deepened their Faith through Amy’s transformative Bible Study & workbook.

An Excerpt from,


Invite the Lord to transplant your heart and mind, revealing truth to you from Scripture. Both Psalm 1 and Jeremiah 8 speak of being transplanted. (In English, you might see, ‘firmly planted’. In Hebrew, that word means ‘transplanted’.)
Have you ever transplanted a tree or a houseplant? We must be careful. Tender. Kind to the roots as we move the plant from one place to another. Newly transplanted trees/plants require a lot of water immediately, in order to ensure the success of their survival.

God is tender with us. When He moves us from a place of misunderstanding to understanding, He is kind to treat our hearts gently. He is the river of life. He, Himself, is the water we so desperately need as our roots are settling in to the new, fertilized soil. As we trust Him, we are like a tree, transplanted by rivers of water. And we will prosper. Our leaves will not wither. We will produce fruit.

Will you join me on the journey?

What readers are saying

about the Bible Study & workbook, Transplanted

  • "Amy has done an impressive and comprehensive study of the scriptures to come to know and share the character of Jesus Christ with all her readers. Understanding her journey and her "rest" is critical for all saints of all denominations in this chaotic and critical world. I highly recommend not simply reading this book, but delving into the words and study to learn your true relationship with Jesus Christ."

    Verified Customer


  • "What a blessing this book is! It’s like these concepts have been hiding in plain sight, buried by decades (probably more like centuries) of theological dogma. I can’t wait to read this book over and over again, and share it with others so we all can rest in Jesus and receive all He has for us."

  • “This book is amazing! It's very real, down-to-earth, and super well explained! Amy shares her church background with us and I resonated a lot with her story. She then does a deep dive into many words and passages of scripture, some of them very popular ones, and explains the definitions in the original Greek & Hebrew in easy to understand language. It's so cool to read from the Bible the way it was written and meant to be understood. Highly recommend this book for a self or group study. You don't have to be a Bible scholar to understand it and yet, the truths are so profound, I believe anyone could get something wonderful out of this book!”

Explore more from Christian Author, Amy Bechtel Kimball

Reconnect with Christ again

My Self-guided Bible study is designed to help you connect with God's Word in a personal and meaningful way. Engage with the text and explore Bible language like never before.

Now available on Amazon & Kindle!