Reflections on Faith
by Christian Author, Amy Bechtel Kimball
This morning I said out loud, “I’m so disappointed in myself.” With hot tears rolling down my cheeks, I heard: “You are such a disappointment.” It echoed over and over.
Jesus came to show us what the Kingdom of God is like. Jesus came to show us the character of God. And it is forever surprising us. True reality, that is, Jesus’ reality, is not as it seems (to us).
Deconstruction. In some circles, deconstruction is celebrated, while in others, it is feared as heresy … within American evangelicalism in which Christians rethink their faith and jettison previously held beliefs…
Do we care more about the weeds than God does? In a garden, it is important not to pull the weeds while the tender, young plants are becoming established. While they are maturing. Growing. Becoming strong.
Introduction from my book, Transplanted: How to Rest in Your Walk with Jesus. “I encourage you to invite the Lord to transplant you. He will transplant you from where you are to a place of freedom and rest in Him.
This is the preface for my book, Transplanted: How to Rest in Your Walk with Jesus. It contains a summary of my story. It begins: “Where do I start? I mean, I spent most of my life in a struggle. Struggle to be right. Struggle to do right…”
You know the seed must DIE before it is effective. Before it can grow. Before it can mature. Before it can produce fruit. Before it can reproduce. It must be buried in the ground, dead. Rain and the warmth of the sun resurrects that seed.
You may be unaware of the waves you make as God works though you. But those watching walk away inspired and amazed, touched and affected by the immense force as the Spirit uses you to do what seems natural to you.
All of the Old Testament is a foreshadowing of the Main Event. The Climax of the whole story: Jesus. Are we reading the Bible like an instruction book? Or are we reading it to find the Treasure of Jesus?
The power of prayer isn’t found in our words because sadly we so often say way to much when in reality the power is found in God’s words to us, over us and about us. The peace, the wisdom and the solution we need won’t come from speaking.
I believe the Feminist Movement was on the right track… but because it was a secular movement, it caused the church to move even further into misogyny. This grave sin of the church is being uncovered on a grand scale…
He is my garden and I am His garden. I want to live my life in the garden. His Garden. I want to walk with Him and talk with Him and hear His voice in the cool of the day. I want to see Him. I want to touch Him. I want to feel him.
We focus so much on what we do. This type of thinking hinges on our idea that we are adults, we need to be responsible for our actions, and we need to do the right thing. It’s not healthy. It's not Kingdom living.